IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

ipu btech second sem syllabus

IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus Overview: The second semester of any BTech program is crucial as it builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in the first semester. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the syllabus for the second semester:

Mathematics II

IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

Mathematics II continues to strengthen the mathematical foundation laid in the first semester. Topics typically covered include:

Vector Calculus: Concepts such as divergence, curl, and gradient.
Differential Equations: Advanced topics including higher-order differential equations and their applications.
Complex Analysis: Introduction to complex numbers, analytic functions, and contour integrals.
Probability and Statistics: Basic principles, distributions, and applications in engineering.

Physics II – IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

Physics II delves deeper into fundamental principles and their applications. Topics covered in this semester often include:

Electromagnetism: Laws of electrostatics and magnetostatics, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic waves.
Optics: Geometrical and wave optics, interference, diffraction, polarization, and optical instruments.
Modern Physics: Introduction to quantum mechanics, atomic structure, nuclear physics, and applications in technology.

Electrical Engineering

IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

The Electrical Engineering course in the second semester typically covers the following areas:

Circuit Analysis: AC circuits, network theorems, resonance, filters, and transient analysis.
Electrical Machines: Principles of operation, transformers, DC machines, and introduction to synchronous and induction machines.
Power Systems: Basic concepts of power generation, transmission, and distribution.

Engineering Mechanics – IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

Engineering Mechanics builds upon the basics learned in the first semester and includes:

Statics: Equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, trusses, frames, and friction.
Dynamics: Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies.

Environmental Science – IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

This subject introduces students to environmental issues and sustainable practices. Topics typically include:

Environmental Pollution: Types of pollution, their causes, effects, and control measures.
Natural Resources: Conservation, sustainable development, and environmental laws.


IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

The second semester syllabus of a BTech program is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of core subjects essential for their chosen field of study. It lays a strong foundation for more advanced topics in subsequent semesters and prepares students for real-world applications in engineering and technology.

IPU B.Tech Second Semester Syllabus

NOTE:- In IPU, Those who have Subjects ‘Programming in C’, ‘Human Values & Ethics’, ‘Indian Constitution’, ‘Environmental Studies’ in Sem 1, will have subjects ‘Electrical Science’, ‘Applied Chemistry’, ‘Manufacturing Process’ in Sem 2 and Vice-Versa.

Subjects like ‘Human Values and Ethics’, and ‘Indian Constitution’ will not have final examination, all Internal + External (Total 100), will be given by faculty only respectively.

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