Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes


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Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes


Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes

Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes: Analog Communication is a fundamental aspect of electronics and communication engineering. The transmission of data in the form of continuous signals is a fundamental aspect of modern communication systems, including radio, television, and telephones. Understanding Analog Communication is a must for any engineering student, especially in colleges in India, as it forms the basis of all advanced topics.

Define Analog Communication

Continuous-time signals are utilized in Analog Communication to convey information, such as voice or video, at its core. In contrast to digital communication, analog signals have a range of amplitude, frequency, or phase. The variability results in more complex data transmission, but also presents issues with noise and distortion.

Why is Analog Communication Relevant?

In today’s digital era, analog communication remains crucial for broadcasting systems like radio and television. The use of analog circuits and systems is often made more affordable by making their implementation simpler. Analog systems are more suitable for real-time data transmission, such as live broadcasts. Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes.

Key Concepts in Analog Communication

Amplitude Modulation (AM): The earliest and most straightforward method of analog communication is Amplitude Modulation (AM). The AM signal is matched by the carrier wave’s amplitude. AM radio broadcasts frequently utilize this method.

Frequency Modulation (FM): FM radio is commonly known as Frequency Modulation (FM) because it alters the frequency of the carrier signal in accordance with its message signal. AM tends to be louder than FM, which is why it is a popular method for transmitting sound.

Phase Modulation (PM): Phase Modulation (PM) is based on the carrier signal and its phase change. Phase Shift Keying (PSK) is one of the earliest digital modulation techniques, but it is not as widespread as AM and FM.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

Analog systems rely on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and its relationship to noise ratio. It measures the degree of separation between signal and background noise, with higher values indicating better signal quality.

Bandwidth | Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes

Broadband is the range of frequencies that a communication system can transmit. The quality and capacity of the communication system are heavily influenced by it.

Advantages of Analog Communication

Analog communication is often simpler to design and more easily implemented with fewer components. The use of analog systems is advantageous for continuous, real-time data transmission, such as voice and video signals. Digital systems may have a longer time to digitize and process signals than analog communication due to lower latency.

Challenges in Analog Communication

Prolonged noise and distortion pose a challenge to analog communication, leading to poor signal quality.

Loss of Information: Analog signals weaken as they travel over long distances, resulting in signal loss. Analog systems have a lower data transfer rate than digital communication systems.

Applications of Analog Communication

Analog Communication and Radio Broadcasting are still utilized for AM and FM radio broadcasts. While analog transmissions were prevalent in the past, modern TV systems have shifted to digital formats. Voice data is still transmitted through analog lines in traditional landline telephones.

Analog Communication in Indian Engineering Colleges | Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes

Analog Communication is commonly taught in Indian engineering colleges as part of the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) curriculum.

Theoretical Classes: Provide instruction on the mathematical foundations of modulation and demodulation techniques, signal properties, and communication channels.

Practical Sessions: This lab will use an oscilloscope, signal generators, and modulators to experiment with different types of analog signals.

Work on Projects: As part of your project, you will be asked to design simple communication systems like AM or FM transmitters.

Competitive Exams

Analog communication is a crucial subject in competitive exams like GATE, where multiple-weighted questions are included.

Conclusion | Analogue Communication B.Tech Third Semester Notes

Understanding Analog Communication is not solely a matter of theoretical understanding. The focus is on recognizing the progress of communication methods and their practical uses, which continue to shape our world. As you study this subject in engineering, remember that learning the basics of analog communication will allow you to learn about digital communications and signal processing or wireless systems. Although digital is the future, analog communication remains the fundamental foundation of many systems, and any engineer must study it.

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